Tuesday, October 26, 2010


this blog is failing

Thursday, August 19, 2010

There's Something 'bout Love!!!

See, B? Avocado is a magical fruit...vegetable?

Anyways, I like swing sets. Even in the rain.


Also, I am an excellent conscience.

That is all.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm awesome. End of story.

I am awesome I am awesome!
I am awesome I am awesome!
I am awesome I am awesome!
I'm a legend in my time!


ok, it's alright with me! 2

What California taught me:

-Don't go the wrong way on a One Way Street
-Stay in school
-Don't do drugs
-I had no idea what Smurfs were
-It is possible for people to have green skin
-My parents will spend 18 dollars on Salt Water Taffy but they won't spend 6 dollars to cross the Golden Gate Bridge
-Wear sunscreen
-Northern California beaches are COLD!
-How to play Ninja
-My makeup isn't waterproof
-I really like guacamole
-You learn something new everyday!

Sorry Penelope, but I learned more than you.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

I was all excited to post this

but once i got to actually writing it i couldn't think of what to say. So I will open to the page of a random book:

"two fa
ilures of yet have been granted you" she said, "but after the next your head will look well on the hundreth pole!"


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Mustard filled creme puffs
The ironing board says "CHANCE"
Cool Un-Birthday cards




im listening to my angry playlist


Monday, June 21, 2010

ok, it's alright with me!

What California taught me:


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!

Alex Lambert. Hello Seattle! Beautiful bright green trees gaaaaa! I must save the cream puffs! rainbows. Walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked. The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon stormy seas, the road was a ribbon of moonlight above the purple moor and the highwayman came riding....Hippos are dangerous. oops I was supposed to do the dishes! What do you say to taking chances? Go die in a hole. spoons! kool i nac etirw sdrowkcab! wo bu xihuan zhongwen! squiggly red lines. Anton is watching...always watching...






A Broken Music Note Just Fell On My Head

I was thinking: Have you noticed that lately our titles never really match the content of the post?


Friday, June 18, 2010

I can't think of a title

Since so many people read this blog, we figured we should update you on the amazingness that is called Poof Theory. Recently we have discovered that Penelope owns an 18 inch ruler. There are so many things you could measure with this ruler that a normal 12-inch ruler can't. I mean have you ever considered how limiting a 12-inch ruler is?

p.s. do you like my purple punctuation? hey that was alliteration!

and that just rhymed....


It's time for a new post

Mei's May's Maize Maze.



Friday, May 28, 2010

Count Your Many Blessings

You are very very blessed. Why, you may ask? Well, There was a button. A red Button.

I mean, if you saw a giant red button staring you down with a cute little sign that said "DO NOT PRESS" could you possibly resist?

Lucky for you, we were strong.

Tip for the day: ALWAYS keep your feet on the ground.
Random fact of the day: You are taller and lighter when you wake up than when you go to sleep.
Song of the day: Light Blue, no wait, DARK blue. Light nope! dark wait! aaah!!!! Darkness! Dark light light dark blue red purple!


Pluto Vs. Jupiter

You may have heard recently that Jupiter lost one of it's rings. I'm sure scientist everywhere are trying to figure out what could possibly have happened, but chances are they will never guess, because the real reason is, well, a little....out there. Almost literally. Once upon a time, Pluto was feeling very upset because it was no longer a planet. So it zipped out of it's orbit and ate one of Jupiter's rings. The End.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pomp and Circumstance

You may know of Pomp and Circumstance as the graduation song, the one we played for like 27 minutes and 31 seconds, but you're wrong. Pomp and Circumstance are the names of the canaries me and Penelope will soon (and by soon I mean far away) be purchasing. Like when we're 90. Mine will be called Pomp, and Penelope's, Circumstance. On second thought, maybe we better do it when we're like 56 so we can make sure we do it. We're going to teach these lovely canaries how to sing the Pomp and Circumstance. It's going to be beautiful. You can watch for us in up and coming concerts.


As those yellow birds sing their names and the seniors abandon us for good we begin this blog. The content? Whatever is on our minds, which could be anything, but is more likely to be nothing at all. It really has no purpose, except maybe to entertain us for the time being and shake our heads in shame in a few years when we're too mature understand.

Oh, wait, growing up? That's NEVER gonna happen! I hope...
I mean, I want to move on with my life eventually, but I plan to hold on to my insanity forever. In a few years, once I've married David Archuleta and she's wed to Gilbert Blythe, I hope I can text (or bloop or whatever the technology will be by then) Barbara "poof" and have her crack up.

Anyways, my thought for the day: guys are so much hotter when they are in some way musical. And hair. Hair is very important...

Oh and a tip for entertaining one's self: have a friend wish you happy birthday on facebook and see how many people fall for it. BAHAHAHA!

Hey Barbara, this is fun, this blogging thing! Your turn to try!


And so it continues......


Monday, May 24, 2010

And so it begins...
