A friend is someone who is always there for you.Even when you feel like the whole world is against you, a friend is someone who is still on your side.A friend is someone who you can call in the middle of the night about anything and they'll listen. They're the one who can make you laugh anytime.When you're sad, they make you smile.They've always got your back. They give the best hugs, or sometimes all it takes is them just putting their arm around you.A friend is someone who wants you to be the best you can be, and will never let you give up. A friend is someone who you couldn't stay mad at, even if you wanted to.They never run out of second chances.A friend is the one you tell all of your secrets because they're the best secret keepers.You would do anything for a friend because you know they would do anything for you.
They're someone you can talk to about anything.
They're someone you can talk to about anything.
A friend is someone who makes you a better person, just because you know them.
I probably have the best friends in the entire world.
this is me, the HOTTIE. i love that. very cute and very true. :)